
The Border Collie stands alone in its exceptional ability to work livestock. ABCA defines the breed by this working ability. The main goal of any Border Collie breeder should be to produce sound, useful, working dogs. While Border Collies also excel in many non-herding activities, they should be bred primarily to work livestock. The ultimate responsibility for maintaining the integrity of this as yet unspoiled breed lies with the breeders. Breeders are urged to take this responsibility seriously. Puppy buyers are encouraged to buy only from those breeders who do take this responsibility seriously.

Both breeders and buyers should understand there are risks involved in any breeding, regardless of the amount of care taken to avoid problems. In order to ensure a healthy gene pool for future generations of Border Collies, breeding prospects should be evaluated with reasonable concern for potential problems and realistic goals for what will be produced. The breeding prospect should be considered as a whole being, with positive and negative aspects of the individual being weighed and balanced for an overall picture of a dog's suitability. Breeding should be undertaken with thoughts of what the parents have to offer to their pups that could benefit the breed.

Genetic Diseases

To be considered a genetic disease, a health problem needs to have been demonstrated to be heritable, that is, passed on through one or both parents. Some diseases have high heritability, which means if the genes are present, the individual will have the disease, and some diseases have low heritability, meaning both genetic and environmental factors are involved in whether the disease occurs. It is generally easier to control diseases with high heritability because all individuals with the genetic makeup for the disease can usually be identified. The term heritable disease should be distinguished from the term congenital disease, or problems that are present from birth, which may or may not be heritable.

Border Collies are considered to be a generally healthy breed. However, as in all animals, there are some potential health problems. This information is presented to help both breeders and buyers to become more aware of some of the health and genetic issues in the breed at this time.

The primary genetic diseases currently thought to be a problem in the breed are as follows:

Hip Dysplasia (HD) HD is by far the most prevalent known genetic disease that affects Border Collies. Factors that contribute to the development of HD ultimately cause the hip joint to be damaged. Joint damage called osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD) is manifested by cartilage and bone breakdown and irregular bony remodeling in response to stresses and inflammatory processes in the joint. DJD is, in effect, the identifiable result of factors that cause HD. The standard for diagnosing HD at this time is still the front extended-leg view of the hips on x-ray such as that evaluated by The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). OFA reports a 12.6% affected rate for Border Collies evaluated from 1974-2000. This HD incidence ranks them somewhere in the middle of the dog breeds. Pre-submission screening and selection for probable favorable OFA results by owners and their veterinarians very likely skews this percentage significantly to the low side. Therefore, the true incidence of HD is probably much higher, possibly as high as double the OFA figure. If true, this would mean, on average, one out of every four Border Collies has HD.

Despite what some may claim, data from numerous scientific studies provide overwhelming evidence that HD is an inherited disease. It is thought to be caused by at least three and possibly as many as six primary genes. The number of genes involved, combined with the high incidence, means it's probable that most Border Collies are at least carriers of one or more of the genes that can contribute to the development of HD, even if they don't have the disease themselves. To confuse matters more, the expression of the disease is affected by environmental conditions such as the type and amount of food a dog gets at critical growth stages, as well as the type and amount of exercise and activity it gets. It must be remembered, however, that these environmental factors do not cause HD. They merely affect whether the HD genes present in that individual will be expressed to the fullest. Even if the expression of HD in a certain individual is suppressed by careful control of environmental factors, you have not changed the dog's genetic makeup. That dog will still pass on the genetic tendency for HD just as if it actually had the disease. Conversely, if a dog does not have the genes for HD, it won't develop the disease no matter how it's raised.

The possible incidence of one in four dogs may seem falsely high if the presence of HD is defined by dogs showing significant lameness. The clinical symptoms of HD do not always correlate well with the severity of the disease as judged by radiological findings. Border Collies with HD that are fortunate enough to show few if any symptoms may have progeny that are not so fortunate. The exact complex combination of genetic and environmental factors that contributed to an individual's lack of symptoms will not occur in its pups. Therefore, it is important to remember that a high tolerance of an individual for the effects of HD does not mean that individual is suitable as a breeding prospect.

The best way, at this time, to avoid producing puppies with a predisposition to develop HD is to test both parents and be aware of the hip status of other related dogs such as the parents' other progeny, the parents' parents, and the littermates and half siblings of the parents. The more tested, unaffected dogs there are in the pedigrees, the better the chances of producing unaffected pups. Unfortunately, even following the most stringent guidelines, puppies may still be produced that will develop HD. This does not mean there's no point in testing parents before breeding them. This line of false reasoning is akin to arguing that, because working parents will occasionally produce pups that won't work, there's no point in testing the working ability of breeding stock. Selection for good hips will increase your chances of producing pups with good hips, but it's unrealistic to expect that puppies with HD will never be produced from tested, unaffected parents. Likewise, it is unrealistic to expect every dog who has ever produced a pup with HD to be banned from breeding. Since it's likely that most non HD-affected Border Collies are carriers of one or more of the genes for HD, most dogs will produce at least one pup with HD if bred enough times. Sooner or later, a cross with another carrier will produce the wrong combination of the HD genes and an affected pup will result.

Given the incidence and complexities involved with HD in our breed, the recommendations at this time are to breed only hip tested, unaffected parents. Also, try to plan crosses having as many tested, unaffected dogs in the pedigrees of both parents as possible. If an affected puppy is produced from a cross of two unaffected parents, at the very least, don't repeat that particular cross because that affected puppy has proven that the two parents can together provide the right combinations of genes to create more puppies with HD.

The ABCA Health and Genetics Committee is investigating a promising new technique that measures several factors involved in the development of HD. This procedure involves taking hip x-rays on a sedated dog while the dog is in a kneeling position. This angle is favorable for identifying strengths and weaknesses in the hip joint in a more natural, weight-bearing position. This type of measurement is called a Dorsolateral Subluxation (DLS) measurement. ABCA is planning a study to evaluate this technique in 8-12 month old Border Collies. 

The Border Collie stands alone in its exceptional ability to work livestock. ABCA defines the breed by this working ability. The main goal of any Border Collie breeder should be to produce sound, useful, working dogs. While Border Collies also excel in many non-herding activities, they should be bred primarily to work livestock. The ultimate responsibility for maintaining the integrity of this as yet unspoiled breed lies with the breeders. Breeders are urged to take this responsibility seriously. Puppy buyers are encouraged to buy only from those breeders who do take this responsibility seriously















.  鼓勵幼犬購買者僅從那些勇於承擔該職責













場主就只好自己揮鞭子趕牛,趕羊了.  不過這種















的基因鏈, 繁殖者在繁殖之前應該給予足夠的


重視, 對將要繁殖出的幼犬的潛在問題及現實


目標進行評估.  繁殖展望應該以一隻狗是一個



繁殖也應該從父母(指狗)將給幼犬帶來哪些影響來考慮, 這將有益於該犬種發展.


翻譯的有點繞嘴,不太好意思,這裡給大家白話講一下, 這段主要是指繁殖對這個犬種有著很深遠的意義,繁殖者要重視,繁殖前要做好計劃,要進行評估.比如, 哪一天,國內突然發現有一隻邊境是一只紅眼和一只藍眼, 大家都超級喜歡.  如果你是這隻犬的擁有者,這時你要做繁殖的計劃跟評估從它後代的健康會不會出現新的遺傳疾病,對邊境整個血係的影響等全盤考慮.  而不要以生出的小狗可以多賣幾萬兩銀子為繁殖目的.

當談到基因性疾病時,身體上的病症通常需要証明它是可遺傳,即通過單親或雙親遺傳, 一些疾病具有非常高的可遺傳性, 就是說如果生命個體中帶有這些基因, 那就會獲得這樣的疾病.  另一些疾病則具有比較低的可遺傳性.即基因因素和環境因素兩方面都可以決定個體是否獲得某種遺傳疾病.  (也就是說,遺傳性比較低的疾病,有的個體會被遺傳,有的個體則不會被遺傳.  遺傳性強的疾病通常很容易被控制,因為所有帶有遺傳性基因疾病的個體,通常很容易被確認出來.  遺傳性疾病應該和先天性疾病或從一出生就帶有的一些可能會被遺傳,也可能不會被遺傳的疾病是完全不同的.

邊境牧羊犬是一種健康的犬種,然而,象所有動物一樣,它們也有一些隱性的疾病.  現在這些資料將幫助繁殖者和購買者更多的了解這一品種的一些健康及基因問題






HD 是對邊境牧羊犬影響最普遍的基因疾病.






(DJD), 它被証明在經重力和激烈性運動,其臨床




骼異常生長.  DJD實際上,可以被確認的結果便




然是用X 光透視後腿延長部分.比如象動物整形


外科協會 (OFA).  OFA 報告稱從1974-2000




.  HD這種疾病的影響範圍在所有犬種疾病中


排在中間位置.  OFA的報告結果受獸醫和飼養




因此, 實際上這種疾病的影響範圍可能非常之


,基本是OFA報告數字的1倍以上,即平均, 1/4





不管有些人怎麼說, 無數的科學研究資料都壓


倒性的証明 HD是一種遺傳性疾病。它被認為



以上資料來源為美國邊境牧羊犬犬協網址 http://www.americanbordercollie.org/Health%20and%20Genetics%20of%20Border%20Collies.htm


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